November 29, 2022

Today is the day! It’s GIVING TUESDAY!

We are going big this year, with a Giving Tuesday Goal of $25,000. If every recipient of this email gives $12.50, we will meet this goal. If every Facebook follower gives $4.71, we will meet this goal. When a lot of people give just a little, lives can actually be changed. 

WHAT IS A REFUGEE? A person forced to flee their home country to escape war, violence, or persecution. Often they have to leave with little more than a backpack.

At City of Refuge, we are working with refugees every single day – helping them navigate a new life in a country that is very foreign to them.

The language is different, the customs are different, the expectations are different. 

Today, as you go about your normal everyday – consider giving $25, $50, $100 (or more!). And then consider the impact that sacrifice can have on the life of someone who has been displaced from their home country. 

If you don’t have extra money lying around, consider actively giving something up for a bit. Something that might even cause you to remember our refugee friends. 

Here are some ideas: 

  • Forego your drive-thru coffee stop until January to save $20
  • Make homemade pizza instead of getting carry out to save $40
  • Hit pause on one of your TV or music subscription services for a few months to save $60-$100
  • Choose to eat whatever is in your pantry, fridge, or freezer instead of going out for dinner to save $50-$100

When we actively give in ways that cost us something or make us change a behavior or habit, it keeps us more engaged in what we are giving to. They’re usually small sacrifices for us, but the impact can be great. 

Give now to our CoMoGives Giving Tuesday Campaign

Help us make our dreams a reality. 

The City of Refuge Team

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