City of Refuge – Important Update!

We have some updates for you.  With the new executive order “Realigning the United States Refugee Admissions Program“, certain funding streams were cut off to resettlement agencies nationwide during the 90 day review. This means that many new arrivals (some just here a few days), no longer have access to the federal funds that were

A Blessing

Six weeks ago I shared the story of how my connection to City of Refuge led to the miraculous occasion that I was able to help sponsor and welcome Mugisha, a Congolese refugee living with limited possibilities in Kenya. Since then I’ve heard from countless folks who were moved by the story asking me how

What A Year

Today marks one year as the Executive Assistant at City of Refuge, and what a year it has been! As this milestone approached, I couldn’t help but reflect on and process the past year, filled with “favorite moments and memories.” I feel so incredibly grateful for the experiences on this list and for being part

A Journey of Love, Resilience, and Giving Back

It was a crisp autumn day when I first stepped into Daniel Boone Regional Library as a 19-year-old, three days after arriving in America. The grandeur of the place overwhelmed me not just because of its towering bookshelves or the quiet hum of knowledge, but because it was the first library I had ever entered.

Don’t Miss It—Holiday Market is TOMORROW!

The Language of Friendship December is a month of reflection, and this week, I took a moment to pause my work and look around the artisan center. There is creative chaos all around me. An unfinished project still sits next to a sewing machine because the Afghan woman stopped to help a girl from Myanmar

Better Together

I’m not sure if you know this, but if you don’t… City of Refuge is a local non-profit that works with people from all over the world. People from all over the world that now live in mid-Missouri. 40 countries. At least 23 different languages. And it is beautiful.  And while the future feels foggy

What’s New at City Preschool

It’s fall, y’all! Truly, my favorite time of year. The dipping temperatures, changing leaves, cozy meals and football! Autumn also means the start of a new school year. This fall marked the second semester of City Preschool! We opened our doors to 18 energetic three, four and five-year-olds from across the world and across town.

Love Your Neighbor

“I want to blow out the candle!”  “NO! You did it yesterday, it’s my turn!” Screamed at the top of their lungs around the kitchen island, these are the arguments of our four children, and each one wants to blow out the family-devotional candle. Guess what the devotion was about today? “Love your neighbor.” I tried

Have You Forgotten?

Have you ever been in a place where you were forced to be truly dependent? A place where you had no autonomy or choice over where you slept, what you ate, what job you worked? A place where, simultaneously, people drove on the other side of the road, said hello in a different language, and