Shop With a Purpose

As most of you know, our Global Artisan program aunched less than a year ago. Since then, it has grown exponentially. Check out what Stefanie Nichols, our Artisan Empowerment Specialist, has to say about this endeavor and the global impact it makes. One of our Global Artisans looked at me with her eyes shining in

Caring across Cultures

Our Care Coordinators have the privilege and primary responsibility of handling some of the most urgent and complex matters within the refugee communities we serve. At City of Refuge, we don’t generally use words like “case manager” or “client” to describe our staff or those participating in our programs or services. “Friend” has always been

A Gift We Can All Give 🎁

Abby Hake, our Executive Assistant, joined the team in January of this year. Her first introduction to City of Refuge was at our annual Back to School Bash. Check out what she has to say about the experience. With Back to School Bash quickly approaching I can’t help but feel sentimental about the event, where

Who We Serve

There’s often a lot of confusion about who we serve. Lots of assumptions. Lots of misinformation. It seems timely to ensure that our broader community has a more thorough understanding of who we are generally working with day in and day out. Below is a graphic that helps explain the journey of a “typical” refugee


On Saturday, June 22 I was twirling cotton candy cones and covered with a layer of sugar and sweat. It was as perfect of a hot summer day as you can get, hundreds and hundreds of folks from all over mid-Missouri coming by to see just what this Summer Market was all about. One of

Growth 🌱

We just wrapped up our first spring at City Preschool! Read below about how our first semester went from director Candace Hulsizer. When you think about what goes on in a preschool, what comes to mind? Kids sitting at colorful tables, their fingers dipped in paint? Squeals of excitement and wide-eyed curiosity? Children sitting on

Why We Show Up

We tried something new last December – maybe you remember it. We hosted our first ever Holiday Market, featuring a variety of refugee and local artisan vendors. Our parking lot was lined with makers’ tents, the air was brisk, and there were thousands of individuals filled with holiday cheer. The live music, the coffee, the

No Longer a Dream

I love food. I bet you do, too. I’m learning to love trying new food, too (although historically that hasn’t always been the case). But, perhaps ashamedly, I must admit that there have been times, over the years, while traveling overseas and experiencing other cuisines that, after a while, I just really craved an American cheeseburger. Or hot dog. Or pizza.

Within Arms Reach

Sometimes I get overwhelmed by the vast array of broken things in this world. Even outside my own experiences, my eyes witness conflict, greed, loss- all close-up encounters via a glowing screen held in my hand. And then I scroll on, the overwhelm quickly lost to a baby announcement, or some van-lifer’s vlog. Phones give

The Evolution of Hope

Sometimes it’s helpful to look back and remember what was, so you can appreciate how far you’ve come. Sometimes it’s helpful to do that as an organization. Check out what Operations Director, Kellye Dubinski, has to say about City of Refuge’s journey.  I began my journey with City of Refuge back in October of 2015.